Dannon Investment and Management Consultancy

Mohamed I. Bashir
MD/CEO, Global Lead Consultant
Mohammed Bashir is a d e d i c a t e d pan-African entrepreneur with m a n y y e a r s of experience. Mohammed Bashir is a famous a n d d e v o t ed c o n s u lt a n t, in Africa and the Middle East. He is the brain behind this project and has been chairing so many related technical-oriented projects in the past and present.
Dannon Investment and Management Consultancy, also known as Dannon Group, is a company with a broad base of experience and partnerships with key industry players in development, integration, operational management, and supply of high technology systems both in identification and authentication.
We have our presence in Niger, Benin, Togo with strong reliable working relationships in the African continent and the Middle East. We also have strategic networks in Europe, Asia, America
Dannon constantly invests in business solutions that will make businesses secure and effective in managing clients’ concerns and challenges. We offer services like Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment Systems, Customs Management Systems, Time and Attendance Management Etc
Applying for The National Identity Number?
A Nigerian And You Stay Abroad In Any of These Countries?
The National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) Is established by the NIMC Acts of 2007. Mandated to establish, own, operate, maintain and manage the National Identity Database in Nigeria, register persons covered by the Act, assign a Unique National Identification Number (NIN) and issue a token General Multi-Purpose Card (GMPC) to those who are citizens of Nigeria as well as others legally residing within the country. We have been licensed by The National Identity Management Commission (NIMC), to provide Front End Services (enrolment & issuance of the NIN; Card activation & issuance; NIN verification & authentication services and Modification/Updates of data) in the diaspora for the Nigerian citizens and other diaspora agencies that require the verification and authentication of the NIN presented as identification by Nigerians for the services offered by these diaspora agencies.
More Info About Our CEO
Mohammed Bashir Ibrahim (CEO) is a Nigerian
Education: Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA)
Advanced Diploma in Computer Skills and Literacy
Other Training:
Nigeria, France, Belgium, United Arab.Emirate, Singapore, Egypt, Kenya,
South Africa, Switzerland, Austria, Ghana, Canada and the United State
of America
Countries of Work Experience:
Business the Trainer, British Council NESTA-Developing Trainers for
Creative Enterprises, 2012.
Train the Trainer, Grooming Enterprise Leaders (GEL) PAN Atlantic
University, Lagos, 2011.
Train the Trainer, Nigerian Council for Management Education
2006, renewed, 2011.
Train the Trainer, coaching for entrepreneurial Success Certificate,
Learning Skills Network, British Council London (2008).
Train the Trainer, European Business Competence License – EBC*L –
Austria, 2011.
Train the Trainer, Curriculum Development, Ohio State University
College of Education & Human Ecology Curriculum Development,
Development Economics, Making Markets Work, Harvard Business